Experts In Medical School Admissions
Precise. Professional. Personalised.

One-stop shop for aspiring medical students since 2016.

Our Services

Using our experience of tutoring, interviewing, and running national medical education workshops, we will provide a 1-to-1, tailored, and personalised approach to help your preparation. Your needs, skills, strengths, and weaknesses will be assessed to focus your preparation for a successful application.

Medical School: Tough Competition and Even Tougher Preparation

Securing an offer to any medical school is an increasingly daunting task. Over the past decade, applicants continued to outnumber the available spots, leading to a hyper-competitive landscape and low acceptance rates. Nowadays, even with an excellent CV and luck, aspiring medical students still struggle to obtain offers. 


Consultancy by MediFan consultancy can give a much-needed boost to your application by showing you the ins-and-outs of how to best approach this complex process. With years of experience helping aspiring doctors with their university applications, we can help you make the most efficient use of your time to prepare and secure an offer.

Medical school application rates

Application Timeline

During each academic year and application cycle, medical school applicants have to juggle academic studies, extracurricular commitments, and their university application. From the initial stages of gathering prerequisites to the final preparations for interviews, this timeline captures the key milestones of each year. With expert guidance and support every step of the way, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the medical school application process and embark on a fulfilling career in medicine.


Learn about the major milestones ahead in your journey and how we can support your application from our experience being on both sides of this process. 

Preparation is having trusted sources for your journey into medicine

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